Floridian Development

Ultimate Wynwood Proposing 524 Affordable Units Using The Live Local Act

Ultimate Equity, LLC has presented plans for a dual high-rise development in Wynwood called “Ultimate Wynwood”, designed by Kobi Karp Architects. The project aims to be built on an 83,492 square foot lot near I-95, and will take advantage of development bonuses provided by the Live Local Act, allowing for greater density and height under the existing zoning regulations. Planning data indicates that the high-rises will feature a total of 1,300 residential units, 1,099 on-site parking spaces, and 21,601 square feet of commercial space. Thanks to the Live Local Act, which allows 40% of the proposed units to be designated as affordable, 524 units will be affordable housing and 776 units are market-rate. Affordability will be maintained for 30 years.

On top of Live Local Act benefits, the developers will include multiple waivers such as two 30% parking reductions for commercial uses and residential uses, a waiver to allow one industrial berth to substitute two commercial berths, and a waiver to permit up to “ten percent waiver related to drive aisle width”. Parking reductions are allowed because the property is under a Transit Corridor area as dictated by the City’s Transit GIS layer.

According to elevations, the project will include “seamlessly integrating art and nature to honor the neighborhood’s vibrant character”. These artistic elements are lined along the project’s podium. Likewise, both towers will rise 36 floors to 395 FT at its bulkhead. Elevations also uniquely show two basements parking levels.

The project is located at 590 NW 26 St


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