Shoma One Moves Forward With Permitting and New Designs
Shoma One at 3650 Bird Rd is moving forward with updated designs and permitting. The project previously announced in early 2024 will have 748 units with 94 of them being workforce units to meet a 12.5% minimum requirement. The 12.5% requirement derives from a workforce housing development program that permits the Shoma Group to add 6 floors of additional height in exchange for workforce housing. Plans previously called for 718 parking spots, but the developers scaled it down to 700. It’s worth noting that there’s no minimum parking requirement in “Rapid Transit Zones” of Miami. Additionally, there will be 22,453 SF of retail and 30,245 SF of open space. 24 Bicycle Parking Spaces will be provided. There’s two towers both rising 40 floors or 407 FT to the roof and around 440 FT to the top (estimate to the top as there’s no elevations past the roof line). Previous elevations show a different crown, one that has a circular, decorative feature at the top. The new crown is tiered, featuring a series of successively receding levels, giving it a distinctive, stepped appearance. Now, the developers are moving forward with permitting. On may 14th, 2024 total demolition permits were filed that aren’t yet approved. Once those permits are approved and demolition commences, the developers are expected to move forward with foundation/structural permitting and construction. The architect is Bermello Ajamil & Partners.
Updated Plans and Designs Revealed for “Merrick Parc”
“Merrick Parc” by MG Development and partners have submitted new design and height data for a twin-tower development near Coral Gables and the Douglas Road Metrorail Station. In total, the development will have 806 units, 819 parking spaces, and 16,750 SF of commercial space. Unlike previous plans that called for two 19-story towers, these towers rill rise 32 floors or 361 FT. Likewise, the new towers have enhanced pedestrian-level design including more linear units, shade trees, and more retail SF. The development is located at 3898 Shipping Ave with the architect responsible for photos and design being Behar Font.