Hallandale Beach’s Planning and Zoning Board will vote on amending multiple residential development regulations. The meeting will take place on July 24, 2024 with staff recommending approval. Part of their recommended approval comes at a time where the “necessity for additional housing typologies continue to emerge. Smaller units provide an opportunity to expand the housing stock to include unit types that accommodate the diverse lifestyles and needs of the community”.
The first to be amended is the minimum yard setbacks in the RD-12 district. Minimum yard setbacks were cut to the equivalent of single-family setbacks in the area. Likewise, in the past multifamily buildings (3 units or more) were forced to undergo a town-home typology. Now proposed changes allow for multifamily in any configuration. However, density in the RD-12 district will be decided later on.

The minimum unit size for multifamily buildings citywide is reduced to 450 SF. When affordable housing units are at least 15% of the building, the minimum unit size can be reduced to 400 SF (Down from, 450 SF). Likewise, units with a minimum floor area of 500 SF can be counted as half a unit.
For multi-family buildings, previous parking requirements were 1.75 spaces for every efficiency unit, 2.0 spaces for every 2 bedroom unit, and so on. Now, there will be a simplified requirement of 1.5 spaces per units. 10% of required parking will be added on as “guest parking” as is the standard for years.

To sum:
- Minimum yard setbacks in the RD-12 district were reduced to their single-family counterparts.
- Multifamily can be in any configuration in the RD-12 district (subject to density requirements).
- For multifamily buildings, the minimum unit size was reduced to 450 SF.
- Units under 500 SF can be counted as half a unit.
- When a building is 15% affordable, the minimum unit size is dropped to 400 SF.
- For any multifamily unit, you will need to provide 1.5 parking spaces.