UBC Miami, LLC has submitted new plans for a multifamily development near the Culmer Metrorail Station in Miami. The developer intends to capitalize on the zoning benefits available under the Rapid Transit Zone (RTZ) Smart Corridor Subzone, which offers increased density allowances and reduced parking requirements for developments that support transit-oriented growth.

Given that the project is LEED certified, the developers are granted additional flexibility regarding height and density parameters. As a result, the proposed development will feature 119 residential units, 123 parking spaces, and 12 bicycle parking spaces. Of the 119 units, 65 are 1 bedroom (or 1 bedroom + den) and 54 are 2 bedroom. Interestingly, despite the project’s proximity to transit, the ground floor will not include any retail spaces.

According to plans, the building will rise 195 FT or 16 floors. Of these, the first five floors will form a pedestal, with four of those floors dedicated to parking. The tower’s podium will feature a “live green wall” designed by Behar Font. Additionally, circular, perforated metal-covered cutouts will be incorporated into the podium, giving it an artistic flare.

The location is 1136 N.W. 8TH AVE. Behar Font is the main architect.
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